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Products > Medical Gas Pipeline System > Medical Gas Application Equipment > Surgery Medical Vacuum Regulator Trolley with Suction Liquid Collecting Bottles
Product name : Surgery Medical Vacuum Regulator Trolley with Suction Liquid Collecting Bottles
Item : 202082215330
Model No. : MVT-01-x
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Surgery Medical Vacuum Regulator Trolley with Suction Liquid Collecting Bottles

In Medical Gas Pipeline System / MGPS used in medical organizations, the Medical Vacuum (nagative pressure) is mainly used to suction liquid from patient body. Surely, the sution liquid shall be contained in liquid containers to avoid pollution.
Especially in Operating Rooms, for some surgery operating, there is big quantity of liquid.
The Surgery Medical Vacuum Regulator Trolley with Suction Liquid Collecting Bottles is just a special designed equipment for such kind of operating.

A set of Surgery Medical Vacuum Regulator Trolley with Suction Liquid Collecting Bottles include different parts as:
1, 2nd. Stage Medical Vacuum Regulator, to control vacuum, including ON / OFF, pressure regulating;
2, Suction Liquid Collecting Bottles and connecting hoses, to contain suction liquid;
3, Vacuum Probe with Hose, to connect equipment with Medical Vacuum Terminal Unit / Medical Vacuum Gas Outlet;
4, Trolley with wheels, to load all above parts.

Features & Specifications:

                                 Vacuum Regulating Range: 0~-100KPa & 0~-760mmHg, two units;
 Turn ON / OFF Switch;
                                 Accurate regulating by snob;
                                 2nd Stage suction liquid bottle, with automatic stop function, close vacuum regulator automatically when liquid full;
                                  2000mL liquid collecting bottle, reuse-able, max. 4 pcs bottles (8000mL) available;
                                 Vacuum regulator connecting trolly by DISS standard connector, available to replace / remove the vacuum regulator;
                                 Medical Stage silicon vacuum hoses connecting;
                                 Connecting to Gas Hose with BS / DIN / AFNOR / JIS / OHMEDA / CHEMTRON / DISS / PURITAN-BENNETT, etc. standards of Vacuum Probe (to Medical Vacuum Terminal Unit / Medical Vacuum Gas Outlet).

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Tel : +86 20 2988 6684
Fax : +86 20 2898 1384
Add: Room 301, Dongtai Business Centre, 1st.Dongping Avenue, Baiyun District, Guangzhou 510440, P.R.China

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